Tagged: Moran

D.R. 02-01: Israel-Hamas (III)

Volume 2, Issue 1

The Sense of the Congress:
A Special Report

UNRWA’s Palestinian curriculum a primary concern of the U.S. Congress

By Antarah Crawley | Last Modified 1/31/24 at 12:35 PM

Video: A. Crawley

WASHINGTON, DC — On 19 October 2023 and 8 November 2023 this outlet published articles on the United States House of Representatives’ (House) response to the Israel-Hamas War and particularly their deeply serious concern with the curriculum and textbooks used by the United Nations Relief Works Agency (UNRWA) to support their mission of educating students in the Palestinian Territory.  UNRWA performs numerous civil society and traditionally-state-sponsored activities for the Palestinian population, and is responsible for the public education of civilian students.

The live broadcast of the joint subcommittee hearing.

On Tuesday, 30 January 2024, the House Foreign Affairs Committee Subcommittee on Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations and Subcommittee on Oversight and Accountability jointly convened a hearing entitled “UNRWA Exposed: Examining the Agency’s Mission and Failures,” largely in response to news that 12 UNRWA employees had been fired for their participation in the October 7, 2023 “Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel.” The gallery of the hearing room in House Visitors Center room 210 was filled to capacity.

The witnesses were:

  • Richard Goldberg, Senior Advisor, Foundation for Defense of Democracies
  • Marcus Sheff, Chief Executive Officer, IMPACT-se
  • Hillel Neuer, Executive Director, UN Watch
  • Mara Rudman, Schlesinger Professor, University of Virginia Miller Center

Mr. Mast (R) of Florida presided as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight, etc.; Mr. Smith (R) of New Jersey presided as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Global Health, etc.; Mr. Crawley (AM) of United Scribes and Court Reporters United reported on the proceeding on behalf of the House Clerk’s Office of Official Reporters.

Present in the audience were at least 15 constituents of the Code Pink: Women for Peace (CODEPINK) organization. They wore pink shirts bearing the phrase “Let Gaza Live,” and during much of the hearing they displayed red paint on their palms while making what could be interpreted as the Master Mason’s Grand Hailing Sign of Distress (and certainly many a besieged Palestinian would be wont to cry out, ‘O Lord my God/Ya’Rabbi Ya’Illah, is there no help for the widow’s son?’). Also present in the audience was a constituency of pro-Israel women wearing black shirts that read “Stand with Israel”. One of them in particular (the one to the far left of the below photo [the one staring directly at me]) was particularly antagonistic against CODEPINK, repeatedly summoning Capitol Police officers to arrest those who spoke out.

Photo: A. Crawley

The Chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight, Mr. Mast, remarked in his opening statement:

Wherever you see UNRWA facilities, including schools, in Gaza, you are almost guaranteed to find tunnels, rocket launchers and weapons storages. During Israel’s incursion into Gaza, Israel Defense Forces uncovered a variety of rifles and ammunition hidden under UNRWA institutions.

Brian Mast (R-FL)

Al Jazeera reported in a 20 November 2023 article entitled What Israel’s video of ‘Hamas tunnel’ under al-Shifa tells us; The structure of the tunnel raises questions about whether it is indeed a Hamas-built pathway:

Tunnels in Gaza were first built in 1980 at a time when the enclave was under Israeli occupation, and before the formation of Hamas in 1987. They were constructed under the Egyptian border for smuggling all sorts of goods, including weapons, fuel and black market goods.

Over time, Palestinians realised that tunnels could have a military use. The first sign of the military use of tunnels was in 2001 when an Israeli military post was blown up with an explosive from underground. The tunnels entered Israeli public consciousness when Palestinian fighters emerged from a tunnel shaft and kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in 2006.

Israel placed a blockade on the Gaza Strip after Hamas gained control of it in 2007. Tunnels became the means to bypass the siege and to transport food, goods and weapons. Under Hamas, the tunnels expanded strategically.

Al Jazeera

The Chairman continued, “We have seen footage and evidence of UNRWA teachers and staff praising and celebrating the October 7 attack on social media, referring to the attack as an unforgettable glorious morning and a splendid site.  We read reports that at least 12 UNRWA employees directly participated in the attack.”

During these remarks, an audience member representing CODEPINK proclaimed, “It’s 75 years of occupation that has caused all of this and now it’s the starving starving people, 2 million people starving right now.” The CODEPINK member was led away by the Capitol Police while advising the officers, “Okay, don’t hurt my arm … I am 77 years old. I am an Army colonel; I am a retired diplomat and what the U.S. is doing — the Biden Administration is doing is [tantamount] to genocide.  It’s a genocide that the Biden Administration is complicit in. The Biden Administration … is killing people just as the Israelis are. It’s our weapons, it’s our money … that’s doing this. And the money for UNRWA is very important to keep people from starving to death after trying to kill them all.” Numerous members of CODEPINK were arrested by Capitol Police officers for acts of civil disobedience and free speech.

On 26 January 2023, UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini reported from Amman, Jordan:

The Israeli Authorities have provided UNRWA with information about the alleged involvement of several UNRWA employees in the horrific attacks on Israel on 7 October.

To protect the Agency’s ability to deliver humanitarian assistance, I have taken the decision to immediately terminate the contracts of these staff members and launch an investigation in order to establish the truth without delay.  Any UNRWA employee who was involved in acts of terror will be held accountable, including through criminal prosecution.

UNRWA reiterates its condemnation in the strongest possible terms of the abhorrent attacks of 7 October and calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all Israeli hostages and their safe return to their families.

These shocking allegations come as more than 2 million people in Gaza depend on lifesaving assistance that the Agency has been providing since the war began. Anyone who betrays the fundamental values of the United Nations also betrays those whom we serve in Gaza, across the region and elsewhere around the world.

Philippe Lazzarini, UNRWA Commissioner-General

On 26 January 2024,  Al Jazeera reported:

The US Department of State said it was troubled by the allegations, which it said pertained to 12 UNRWA employees. It said it would provide no additional funding to the agency until the allegations were addressed.

The Department of State has temporarily paused additional funding for UNRWA while we review these allegations and the steps the United Nations is taking to address them,” spokesperson Matthew Miller said.

Al Jazeera

The Chairman continued his opening remarks, stating, “Make no mistake; the attacks on October 7 did not happen in a vacuum. The sickness on display from UNRWA is rooted in something deeper within its structure and mission. It’s rooted in the double standard the world applies for them, from their definition of refugee to the hatred they teach the Palestinian children –“

During these remarks, another audience member from CODEPINK rose to their feet to proclaim, “Please do not defund UNRWA. It was established in 1948 for the refugees of Palestine. If you unfund UNRWA, it’s a death sentence. They’re already starving. Please don’t defund UNRWA!…”

The Chairman of the Subcommittee on Global Health, etc., Mr. Smith, remarked in his opening statement:

Pubic pressure motivated by explosive new evidence that UNRWA employees were directly involved in the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel, the Biden Administration last Friday as we know announced that it was ‘temporarily paused’ additional funding for UNRWA while it reviews the evidence. With all due respect to the President this was a long overdue response. Going far beyond the revelations of last week, however, there has been a long list of massive and irrefutable evidence of UNRWA’s extensive complicity and cooperation in Hamas’s antisemitic genocidal hate campaign. Like the Nazi’s before them, Hamas and their chief terrorism sponsor, Iran, they are committing genocide against the Jews.

Chris Smith (R-NJ)

The Chairman continued:

…[T]hese children from the earliest days of their lives are trained in hate for Jews and for Americans. Now we’ve heard how UNRWA’s textbooks, curricula, summer camps and official media are all infamous incubators of hate. And we’ve seen the evidence of its teacher’s administration’s involvement in — with Hamas.

Chris Smith (R-NJ)

During these remarks a male audience member dressed in a military-style black jacket rose and proclaimed, “You have blood on your hands! Shame on you! This is a genocide! You are starving children and people to death. This is a genocide and you are responsible for it. Shame on you! … Ceasefire now! You are killing people; you are killing innocent people … We will never forgive you for this … Shame on all of you…”

The Chairman responded to the outburst:

They don’t make their case.  As you can see, the hatred coming out of that particular man is so sad.  UNWRA, the UN Relief Works Agency was set up as we know in 1949 to provide aid and relief to refugees.  75 years later it’s still going, which is absurd, in a way, since nearby Arab nations will not permit the former to integrate into their societies. UNRWA provided education in hatred of Jews for the vastly expanded number of children, grandchildren, and great grand-children of the original refugees. UNRWA’s textbooks — and I’ve had meeting after meeting on this, including hearings — where we’ve actually read through the text books, full to overflowing with antisemitic hatred.

Chris Smith (R-NJ)

Witness Mr. Goldberg remarked:

Now when you look at the incitement of violence that has gone on for decades, the internalization in generation after generation to rise up and believe that they are refugees waiting to come back to what is today Israel to drive the Jews into the sea, October 7th is the logical conclusion of UNRWA. It is of course what they have been training generations to do with the resources we have provided going to these terrorist organizations to help carry out that mission.

Richard Goldberg

Witness Mr. Sheff remarked, regarding the fired UNRWA employees:

These are not a few bad apples. Rather, the institutional barrel is rotten. How do we know? We know by researching UNRWA’s educational infrastructure. In it, textbooks teach that Jews are liars and fraudsters who spread corruption which will lead to their annihilation. Students are taught about cutting the necks of the enemy; that a fiery massacre of Jews on a bus is celebrated as a barbecue party; that Dalal Mughrabi, who murdered 38 people and 13 children, is a role model. UNRWA educated that dying is preferable to living; that becoming a martyr will be rewarded in heaven. First graders are taught the alphabet by learning the words for attack and martyr. And fourth graders are taught addition by counting martyrs. These are just a handful of examples of incitement which run like a thread, as strategy, throughout the Palestinian curriculum which is taught in UNRWA schools. And our research shows the same violent jihadi educational materials are created on a large institutional level by UNRWA staff. … IMPACT-se has warned for years about the consequences of this hate education, and I ask you, what can UNRWA possible offer the next generation of Palestinians? Poisonous textbooks taught too often by extremist teachers?

Marcus Sheff
Lebanese-Palestinian revolutionary militant Dalal Mughrabi

Mr. Sheff later remarked:

Textbooks are uniquely authoritative, especially in the Manna region, in the Middle East, where you get one book, one grade, one subject; and they carry the values, the identities that leaders wish to pass down to the next generation, for good or for bad. This is how we create the societies of the future that we want to see, through these textbooks, through education. … We know that one of the first things that Hitler did when he came to power was change the textbooks.

Marcus Sheff

Mr. Goldman remarked, in response to a question my Mr. Moran (R) of Texas regarding any prior removals of UNRWA teachers, that he recalled “a case of a headmaster of an UNRWA school who was moonlighting as an Islamic jihad commander. He was removed by an Israeli air strike.” His remarks drew uproarious laughter from the pro-Israel audience members and representatives. Mr. Moran replied, “Well that’s one successful removal,” and went on to ask if there was “any part of the educational curriculum or programming that is overtly pro-American or pro-Israeli, that teaches the benefits for democracy?” (The present author has presented this question for rhetorical purposes.)

In one of his last remarks, Mr. Goldberg discussed the United Nations’ inherent systemic structural bias against Israel, which Mr. Hill (R) of Arkansas interpreted to mean that “the UN itself is the most antisemitic organization on the planet,” to which Mr. Goldberg replied “100% correct.”

It is notable that:

[I]n 1917, British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour sent the Balfour Declaration to Lord Rothschild, a leader of the British Jewish community, stating Britain’s support for the creation of a Jewish “national home” in Palestine […and] that negotiations on the future of the country were to happen directly between Britain and the Jews, excluding Arab representation. His famous announcement at the Paris peace conference would reflect this interpretation, stating that the goal “[t]o make Palestine as Jewish as England is English.” The years that followed would see Jewish-Palestinian relations deteriorate dramatically.

In 1918, the Jewish Legion, a group primarily of Zionist volunteers, assisted in the British conquest of Palestine. In 1920, the territory was divided between Britain and France under the mandate system, and the British-administered area (including modern Israel) was named Mandatory Palestine. Arab opposition to British rule and Jewish immigration led to the 1920 Palestine riots and the formation of a Jewish militia known as the Haganah (“The Defense” in Hebrew) […] In 1922, the League of Nations granted Britain the Mandate for Palestine under terms which included the Balfour Declaration with its promise to the Jews, and with similar provisions regarding the Arab Palestinians.


Under the British Mandate placed by the League of Nations after World War I, Jewish immigration to the region [of Palestine] increased considerably leading to intercommunal conflict between Jews and the Arab majority. The UN-approved 1947 partition plan triggered a civil war between these groups which would see the expulsion or fleeing of most Palestinians from Mandatory Palestine. The British terminated the Mandate on 14 May 1948, and Israel declared independence on the same day.

On 15 May 1948, the armies of five neighboring Arab states invaded the area of the former Mandatory Palestine, starting the First Arab–Israeli War. An armistice in 1949 left Israel in control of more territory than the U.N. partition plan had called for; no new Arab state was created, as the rest of the former Mandate territory was divided between Egypt, which occupied the Gaza Strip, and Jordan, which annexed the West Bank. The 1967 Six-Day War ended with Israel occupying both the West Bank and Gaza alongside the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula and the Syrian Golan Heights. Israel has since effectively annexed both East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights, and has established settlements across the occupied territories, actions which are deemed illegal under international law.

Wikipedia: Israel (retrieved 30 January 2024)

Mr. Issa (R) of California closed out the questioning by stating “that the record of UN is poor and that we must change the teachers of the next generation of Palestinians,” a statement to which no witness disagreed (with the possible exception of Professor Rudman who was the only witness to present a balanced viewpoint during the entire hearing).

These developments in the Congress’s assessment and treatment of educational curricula abroad presents serious concerns about the future of public school curricula in the United States. It highlights the increasingly important role of NOVUS SYLLABUS L.L.C. (N∴S∴), Universitas Autodidactus (U∴A∴), and United Scribes (U∴S∴) in administering a worldwide Political Education Bureau (Politburo) and publishing curricula for the development of self-knowledge, self-mastery, and self-determination. In the words of the Moorish Science Temple of America and 5% Nation of Gods and Earths, ISLAM means “I Self Law Am Master“.
