Tagged: novus

Memorandum 1





Ministry of Public Friend—Office of Traveling Ministry—Office of Preceptor
Office of Ombudsman—Office of Administrator—Office of Scribe

Comm. No. A240509I01 | Memorandum #1


Decentralized Autonomous Intelligence System Engineering Enterprise (DAISEE)

(1) Liber Præceptum ‘LP’ is a set of integrated electronic circuits on a flat surface or series thereof ‘chip’ that is encoded with the self-teaching, self-executing autonomous script. This chip powers, or drives the functionality of, the human mind software ‘mindsoft’ central processing unit ‘CPU’ via the Curricular Operations Research and Publication Service (CORPS) ‘core’ of NOVUS SYLLABUS ‘NS’ decentralized servers. 

(2) Such chip must be installed, connected, or administered to the nodes of the decentralized autonomous organization ‘DAO’ by the Administrator ‘admin’ of the System (i.e. the application of integrated automated systemtheory in praxis). 

(3) The mindsoft is located in the C:\ drive of the human body CAMIOR hardware which receives the central nervous system ‘CNS’ input ‘I’. 

(4) The admin may administer the Universitas Autodidactus ‘UA’ databus ‘book’ containing the chip to a vast array of hardware, from the individual node or ‘bit’ to the assembly or body politic. 

(5) DAISEE (pronounced ‘Daisy’) is the ‘DAIS’, or lectern, of the DAO. Otherwise stated, the theory of the UA, or Universitas Autodidactus, is the decentralized autonomous organization in practice. A DAISEE-chain of mindsoft-configured nodes organized such as to comprise an integrated system is comparable to a blockchain. 

(6) This enterprise is the second project to be managed, or administered, by the Department of Peace and Friendship ‘DOP’, following the Peace Enforcement Activity Command Enterprise ‘PEACE Force’.    

(7) LP is a large language model dataset for the autonomous intelligence self-learning, self-executing engine of the DAO.

Shalom ‘Alechem,
Antarah of Nacotchtank,
Public Friend Incumbent,

Bulletin 1





Ministry of Public Friend—Office of Traveling Ministry—Office of Preceptor
Office of Ombudsman—Office of Administrator—Office of Scribe

Comm. No. A240505I01 | Bulletin #1 | last modified 5/8/24 8:38 AM ET


(1) The Political Bureau of Education (Politburo) of the Department of Peace and Friendship (DOP) of the decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) of the people shall issue the following types of written communications: (a) Memorandum: an internal-facing communication; (b) Bulletin: an external-facing communication; (c) Minute: a communication to convey an action, motion, or charge. 

(2) The Politburo shall conduct oral communications pursuant to the Minute of Public Service (MPS) of 15 April 2024, the Department of Peace Act (DOPA) of 21 February 2024, and Djed Register (DR) 01-03 of 17 September 2023. This office shall be known as Beth HaMidrash (‘House of Studies’) and shall be administered by the Office of Preceptor, and the incumbent of that office and their assigns may be called ‘Moreinu’. Among other studies, this office shall administer the hermeneutical exegesis of Liber Præceptum (BLKMKT, 2024) and related works, which concerns the plain meaning, interpretation of the universal law, and occult/esoteric meaning of the texts. 

(3) The Curricular Operations Research and Publication Service division (CORPS) of NOVUS SYLLABUS L.L.C. (NS) shall specialize in and support the decentralized autonomous organization, administration, and governance of First Amendment Assemblies and mass demonstrations, protests and social movements (FAA) of the DAO. N∴S∴ shall perform these services for the DAO by and through its Office of Preceptor, Office of Ombudsman, Office of Administrator, and Office of Scribe. 

(4) In pursuance of Section 3, services N∴S∴ shall render to the DAO FAA shall be: 

(a) Knights-Shomrim (SH-U-M-R-Y-M) [‘watchers’ or ‘guards’] is a civilian patrol service composed of “cavalry” (bike) units used for protective, expeditionary, and scouting purposes. They may be deployed on general safety/security/investigative (SSI) patrol, a long-term mission, or a short-term assignment, particularly when an FAA is mobile (in motion), or ‘traveling’. Their office shall be known as Beth HaShomrim, they may be called ‘knights’, and they shall constitute the Peace Enforcement Activity Command Enterprise (‘the PEACE Force’) [See, DOPA 2(a)(12),(13),(14),(15)]. 

(b) HaKnesset (H-K-N-S-T) [‘the assembly’] is a standing deliberative body, called a ‘court’ or ‘tribunal’ or ‘consul’, which convenes meetings, or ‘sittings’, of general instruction (‘preceptory’), hearing and determining (‘oyer et terminer’), etc. [See, MPS-1 Art.I(k)] at ‘peacetime’, that is, when a demonstration is stationary, or encamped. Their office shall be known as Beth HaKnesset. [See, DOPA 2(a)(9),(10),(11)].

(c) Shomrim Knights shall be ‘made’ in the Knesset, and shall be granted leave from the Knesset when deployed on patrol, mission, or assignment. 

(5) Through these initiatives the Politburo aims to affect and reform the Fraternity of Free Masonry, the Religious Society of Friends of the Light, the Federal Reserve System, the Mystery School System, the elementary, secondary, and higher education systems, the Mother Church, the Nation of Israel, and people living with colored person syndrome disorder [See, Precept:\37§6(131)], that is, dead corporations in need of souls who’re lost at sea; may they be found and delivered from their darkness into light, that what hath been concealed may be revealed within clear sight. 

Shalom ‘Alechem,
Antarah of Nacotchtank,
Public Friend Incumbent,



An Act to Establish the Free Association of United Scribes

The Governor and Company of NOVUS SYLLABUS L.L.C. (N∴S∴) To All To Whom These Presents Come, Send Greetings and Peace:—

Know ye by these presents that there is hereby firmly established a free association, that is, a professional association, of court reporters, transcribers, proofreaders, editors, journalists, novelists, poets, writers, notaries public, scriveners, and scribes known as United Scribes (U∴S∴), whose jurisdiction shall be the United States of America (“America”) and Worldwide (“Global”).

§2. The mission of this organization is to provide professional development, political education, and networking, contracting, and freelancing opportunities to its freely, or voluntarily, associated members. 

§3. U∴S∴ may function as the “Union Hall” or “Guild Hall” of such professionals as aforementioned on a voluntary membership basis. U∴S∴ shall be governed as a firm league of friendship (FLF) in the nature of a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO). 

§4. U∴S∴ shall be correspondent with the labor union of Court Reporters United (CRU), which was declared on 1 November 2023 and recognized by the United States National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) on 26 January 2024 on a vote of 16 to 1 eligible bargaining unit members of a certain Washington, D.C. corporation.

§5. U∴S∴ shall be managed by and from the office of an Administrator. It shall be constituted by its members individually and collectively in a General Assembly, Conference, Committee, or Convention which may be established from time to time for such purposes as may be duly noticed.

§6. U∴S∴ may be contacted at unitedscribes@gmail.com. It currently and may continue to receive support services provided by NOVUS SYLLABUS L.L.C. at newsyllabus.org.

§7. Persons seeking membership to U∴S∴ shall contact the Administrator at the aforementioned address and subscribe to this Act with language to the effect of “I [name] am a [covered profession] and hereby subscribe or otherwise agree to the Act of 29 January 2024; I do submit my name to the public membership roster; and I shall come forth to assemble in union with my comrade scribes when duly noticed of such meeting, my God and my schedule permitting.”


End of Act.

Auxiliary Associations

Commission 153

153d CORPS

“The Fighting 153d”


بيت مدرسة
בית מדרש

The Preceptory of

The 1st Ecclesiastic College at
Nacotchtank, Ouachita District

5th International Worker’s Association
& 3rd Wave Anti-Masonic Party (TWAP)

Curricular Operations Research & Publications Services (CORPS)
Division of the Political Bureau of Education (Politburo), FLF-DAO

The Governor of the Society of the New Syllabus (NS) at Nacotchtank-on-Potomac (Anacostia) District of Ouachita (Washington, District of Columbia), Furthest West (al-Maghreb al-Aqsa) To All To Whom These Presents Come, Sends Greeting and Peace:

Know ye by these presents that there is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) of people, in the nature of firm league of friendship (FLF), which is engaged in the business of self-education, -operation, and -development (Autodidactus), and that this society (Universitas) is organized into associations (Collegia) constituted by assemblies (Ecclesia) committed to certain trades or subject matters (Syndici). These committees, or syndicates, may be constituted in the nature of a public or private meeting, sitting, session, hearing, congress, congregation of worshippers, or other deliberative or collective body having a shared interest (polity). The individual members, or units, of this DAO shall be working people — free thinkers, truth speakers, and light workers united (FTLU) by the collective consciousness and love of their neighbor. Any individual may rise through the ranks of the DAO by acclamation of their polity. Any unit of the DAO may order services from a known service provider, meaning a freely associated firm who is known to supply the DAO, in a client-server—request-response interface. 

(b) And Furthermore, that there is hereby established an ecclesiastic college (meaning, assembly of a society) of the members of the DAO who are domiciled in this region, which shall sit and meet in Nacotchtank, and which is empowered to commission syndicates for various purposes.

Notes on Jurisdiction

A famous, centuries-old map of the Chesapeake Bay region appears beautiful at first glance, but Anacostia Unmapped contributor John Johnson sees foreboding and destruction. The map, created by Capt. John Smith and first published in 1612, was heavily used by English settlers. It shows a Native American village, Nacotchtank, on the bank of a river. Variations on spelling and pronunciation eventually turned the name of the area — and the river — into Anacostia. The tribe is officially extinct, but a resident of Anacostia, Jason Anderson, tells Johnson about his deep links to it.

The village of Nacotchtank (from which the name Anacostia is derived) was the largest of the three American Indian villages located in the Washington area and is believed to have been a major trading center. The people of Nacotchtank, or Anacostans, were an Algonquian-speaking people that lived along the southeast side of the Anacostia River in the area between today’s Bolling Air Force Base and Anacostia Park, in the floodplain below the eastern-most section of today’s Fort Circle Parks. A second town, Nameroughquena, most likely stood on the Potomac’s west bank, opposite of what today is Theodore Roosevelt Island. Another village existed on a narrow bluff between today’s Chesapeake and Ohio Canal and MacArthur Boulevard in the northwest section of the city.

National Park Service (NPS), “Native Peoples of Washington, DC”

The Anacostans’ name is a Latin version of their original name, the Nacotchtanks. The name came from the Indian word “anaquashatanik,” which means “a town of traders.” They were known for trading throughout the Chesapeake area, even trading fur with the Iroquois of New York.

Museum officials [note] that the Anacostans are mentioned at an exhibit on Native Americans in the Chesapeake Bay area.

Ann McMullen, a supervisory museum curator, said exhibits are designed to “focus on living people and not on Anacostans who have been absorbed into other tribes.” She said the museum works with tribes in the Mid-Atlantic region, including the Pamunkeys and Piscataways, who are “descendants of people who were once here.”

Dana Hedgpeth. “A Native American tribe once called D.C. home. It’s had no living members for centuries: As the number of Anacostans dwindled, they merged with larger tribes in the region.” The Washington Post: Retropolis. November 22, 2018

PROVIDED BY The Governor and Company of

A Freely Associated Service Provider, Fiscal Agent, & Member,


An independent Political Bureau of Education (Politburo), Free Association of Independent Politburos (FAIP), Commissioned and Charted, General Ministry of Information, FTLU

(last modified 21 Nov. 2023; 2 Jan. 2024 when were stricken the words “The Preceptor & Student Body of the Consular Syndicate of” and replaced with “The Preceptory of”; 15 Feb. 2024 as to multiple changes.)

D.R. 01-04: Amendments

Volume 1, Issue 4


Article 1

Amendment to “Value in Artwork”

by Antarah Crawley

At Art¢oin:\>_Theory and Methodology\Value in Artwork, strike “the person of the artist, the execution of the artist, the intention of the artist, the attention of the artist, the subject matter content of the work, the medium of the work, the lifetime of the work, and the effect upon the viewer” and replace with “artist’s time on the scene, artist’s repertoire, and number of solo and group exhibitions.” Other factors in the appreciation of art include size, subject matter, and time period.

Furthermore, with regard to the valuation of artwork, a sellable artist is a “known commodity.” Appraisers buy low and sell high; they take an average of sale prices over the years to make appraisals. Utilize platforms like Artsy, Artnet, and Invaluable. Also see, “square foot pricing” of art works.

Article 2

Amendment to “Water Theory of Capital”

by Antarah Crawley

At Art¢oin:\>_Theory and Methodology\Water Theory of Capital, add:

3.0. Can trade (i.e., exchange, change hands; revenue, change venues) (1) real (landed) estate (includes people), (2) consumable goods (commodities), and (3) securities (fungible negotiable instruments) using (4) a medium (an agency, vehicle, or instrument) of exchange.

3.1. A current medium of exchange is liquid in circulation (legal tender) secured by something of value (currency).  A current account is a storage or depository account that can be drawn upon on demand of the named account holder, but which is “secured” (fixed so as to not be easily moved) by a trustee. The storing and safekeeping of securities is a matter of “public safety”.

3.2. Live stock and real estate, as opposed to consumable goods (commodities), secure the public debt on private bank ledgers. Securities are “advertisements for live stock in bondage sold on the banks of the river.” When analyzed word for word we find the following objective correlative:
3.2.1. Advertisement = offer for acceptance
3.2.2. Live = circulating current (as of ions, blood, or breath)
3.2.3. Stock = cargo, negotiable instrument
3.2.4. Bond = debt obligation
3.2.5. Sold = exchange, revenue (to circulate)
3.2.6. Bank = the land sloping down to a body of water, or any slope, mound, or mass, or the action of heaping (a substance) into such a mass
3.2.7. River = flow of commerce; current “C”


D.R. 01-03: UA

Volume 1, Issue 3

An Act to Establish and Regulate a Mystery School System for the Decentralized and Autonomous Administration of General and Higher Education.

By Antarah Crawley

Article 1. Universitas 

(1) There is hereby established an institute named Universitas Autodidactus, FLF-DAO, which means “Self-Teaching University, a firm league of friendship in the nature of a decentralized autonomous organization.” This institution may be abbreviated “UA.”

(2) The UA shall operate as one firm. This firm shall be organized by a system of syndicates which are themselves organized into colleges. Any vested member of a syndicate under Article 3 (called a “student” or talib) shall be a beneficial member of the firm. Any student who vouchsafes their trust, faith, and/or belief in the operations of the firm shall be a member thereof.

(3) The firm shall be governed by a “Steering Council,” or “Committee of the Whole,” composed of two delegates (called “friends”) elected by each Syndicate and confirmed by their respective Collegium. The friends shall represent their collegiate syndicates in the firm in their own private sui jurisdiction (the “private” or “interior”).  These “friends” of the firm shall be the trustees thereof.

(4) The Steering Council shall assemble at the national and global levels.  The Officium Tribunus Plebis shall be incorporated into the organization of the National and International Steering Councils by reference.

(5) Assemblies of this governing body of the firm shall be held in the nature of a public meeting, shall follow Robert’s Rules of Order where appropriate; and shall duly notice all regular and special meetings. 

Article 2. Collegium Ecclesia

(1) There is hereby established within the firm a forum of Collegium Ecclesia Syndicatus, which means “United Assembly of the Society,” which may also be known as an “Ecclesiastic College,” which is composed of committees (called “syndici”) of student bodies.  Herein, “syndicate“ is synonymous with “committee,“ which is synonymous with “student body.“

(2) Such a College may be organized or united on the basis of locality with diversified syndication, or on the basis of a particular discipline, subject, trade, craft, or operation. 

(3) The syndici constituting the College shall serve the function of disciplinary departments, and may be styled “Syndicatus [Disciple/Subject], Collegium Ecclesia [Local/Name].”

(4) A member of a syndicate, or student, shall be called “syndicus,” meaning “syndic.”

(5) Assemblies of this governing body of the firm shall be held in the nature of a public meeting, shall follow Robert’s Rules of Order where appropriate; and shall duly notice all regular and special meetings. 

Article 3. Syndicatus

(1) There is hereby established within the forum of Collegium Ecclesia a mechanism to allow a member of the firm to establish a syndicate by acclamation (Latin: acclamatio, a vote by means other than ballot) of two or more additional students (the “public”) known as the student body.

(2) There is hereby chartered and instituted within the firm The Chairman, the Elective Faculty and Student Body of the Society of the New Syllabus, which may also be known as “Societas Novus Syllabus” which means “The Society of the New Syllabus.” This syndicate, or committee, shall constitute its own college, shall stand perpetually, shall be governed by NOVUS SYLLABUS L.L.C., and shall have a chair at the global and national Steering Councils of the UA. 

(3) Proceedings of syndici shall include: Semester, Course [of study], Seminar [on subject], and Symposium [on theme]. Such proceedings may be styled “Subcommittee on […],” and shall follow Robert’s Rules of Order where appropriate.

(3)(a) A course is served by a CORPS of the same control number. Course work is administered by the CORPS of the same control number.

(4) Attendees of collegiate, ecclesiastical, and syndical proceedings shall be attired in a white shirt or garment and black or dark jacket. 

(5) The UA shall provide to the public a “service” by and through its syndici, in receipt of which the public shall make an offering of their own free will and accord (“deposit”) as a token of their trust, faith, and/or belief in the services provided by the firm, thereby becoming a benefactor of the proceeding and a member of the firm. It is this exchange, made freely, knowingly, and voluntarily by the public to the private that re-venues the current “C” from the exterior to the interior of the firm.

(6) It shall be the prerogative of the syndici to provide for the dispatch of deposit collectors styled “treasurer” and subordinate “comptrollers.” The deposit collected shall constitute a vested interest in and appreciation of the subject matter of the proceeding, and shall inure to the benefit of the Syndicate.  This is to say that at every proceeding in which the public appreciates the subject matter, there shall be a discharge of deposits. 

(Last modified 19 Sep 2023 4 Oct 2023 19 Oct 2023)

All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice.

D.R. 01-01: To Publish…, &c.

Volume 1, Issue 1


Article 1

N∴S∴ to publish art book for IBé Arts Institute

By Antarah Crawley

WASHINGTON, DC — IBé Arts Institute of Historic City Point in Hopewell, VA, has partnered with NOVUS SYLLABUS L.L.C. (NS) to publish the first artist’s book cataloging the work of master teaching artist and storyteller IBé Bulinda Hereford Crawley

Crawley at EUREKA! House in New York. Printing assistant Aurora Brush can be seen to the left. Source: https://eurekaeurekaeureka.com/EUREKA-1

New Syllabus Director Antarah Crawley and IBé Crawley have maintained an arts education partnership since September of 2016, when the New Syllabus relocated from New York to DC. At about that time, IBé Arts and Education LLC was established in Historic Anacostia, Washington, DC. Together, IBé Crawley and the Director have published the SSTEM curriculum and the ParenTeacher program

The opportunity to publish IBé Crawley’s first artist’s book presents a great opportunity for NS to communicate its overarching mission, vision, and values through its commitment to honoring our elders and ancestors, and amplifying the voices of Black Woman artists.

The Arts and Education Institute in Hopewell, Virginia. Source: I. B. Crawley.

The IBé Arts Institute is an art space dedicated to visual and oral storytelling.  The historically significant building was built in 1830 as a schoolhouse for white men, and later used as a hospital for soldiers during the Civil War. 

Today, it serves as IBé Crawley’s private studio gallery and workshop. Consistent with the mission to preserve and document stories,  the exhibition hall, art studios, and residency space are available for individuals to host workshops, family events, and professional development programs.  IBé Crawley assists in planning preservation projects and leads intimate and informative tours of the Institute and the surrounding City Point Historic District. 

Contact ibe.crawley@gmail.com or visit ibearts.org for more information and to coordinate an event. 

Source: I. B. Crawley

In 2022, IBé Crawley printed a 58-copy edition of Antarah Crawley’s Harriet Tubman 2021 Non-Fungible Note from a copper plate he engraved by hand. Printer Aurora Brush assisted IBé Crawley in the intaglio printing process during her residency at the Women’s Studio Workshop (WSW) in Rosendale, New York.

Harriet Tubman 2021 Non-Fungible Note by Antarah Crawley.

The IBé Crawley publication will coincide with the 2023 fall exhibitions Holding Ground at the National Museum of Women in the Arts’s (NMWA) in Washington, DC, and The Calling at City Lore in New York City.  Within its pages will be catalogued four of Crawley’s artist’s books: 11033, Delia Posey, Bearing Witness, and A Dwelling for Her Story.  Each chapter will present a different category of art work, together with descriptions, articles, quotes, and images.  

Into Fall 2023 and beyond, IBé Arts Institute will strategically focus on:

  • Paper making
  • Print making
  • Book binding

IBé Arts Institute aspires to become a Virginia folk book press “center of excellence”.  This is the first initiative in what the Institute and NS plan to be a bright new era of programs, projects, and partnerships.

Source: I. B. Crawley

Article 2

The Organization of the New Syllabus

By Antarah Crawley


WASHINGTON, DC — In 2014 AD, I, Antarah, had a vision of one new syllabus for humanity. This syllabus would chart a course for human understanding of ubiquitous and lasting systems established since time immemorial. I sojourned to Brooklyn, New York, in pursuit of my syllabus, developed a discipline, and professed a doctrine toward the development and operation of human mind software, individually and collectively, and I returned to the Federal City.

Being in possession of such valuable information, I began to process this knowledge and offer certain products and services to the public, toward the establishment of a society of free thinkers, truth speakers, and light workers united (FTLU) in a firm league of friendship called a decentralized autonomous organization (FLF-DAO). To that end, I wrote and recommend policy positions to the FTLU stakeholders. This practice has resulted in the production of a robust and diverse body of multimedia intellectual property which we, the Director and Company, shall distribute throughout the world under the motto of Novus Syllabus Seclorum, meaning “the New Syllabus of the Age.” 


Established 2022, NOVUS SYLLABUS L.L.C. (N∴S∴) is a liberal arts and humanities intellectual property holding company specializing in diversified arts investments and management.

Our flagship brand, New Syllabus (est. 2014), is a knowledge management system (KMS) that creates, codifies, organizes, stores, and disseminates information to the public from newsyllabus.org. To that end, it conducts research and development in the broad field of Historic and Ancient Mysteries, Economy, Theology, Informatics, and Systemtheorie (HAMETICS).

NS operates the Department of Information Systems and Intelligence Services (DISIS, pronounced “Diocese”), which is divided into the Archival Records Management (ARM) Division and the Mind Software (Mindsoft) Development and Operating Systems Command (DOSCOM). These are our Curricular Operations, Research, and Publication Services (CORPS) which supply information to the New Syllabus (now known as the DataHorse System or “DHS“).

NS also operates the Ombud Service Bureau (OmbudService, or Office of Ombudsman) for administrative due process, and Syllabus Media Group for audiovisual production and distribution.  


Our Vision is a world of free thinkers, truth speakers, and light workers united under one new syllabus for STEM, arts, and humanities research, development and operations; one new syllabus for the ages!


Our Values are Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Equity; these are our foundation. Our Three Great Pillars which support our institution are Trust, Faith, and Belief; as it is said, Faith is complete Trust and firm Belief, the acceptance of truth divine, which Belief, sincerely held, cannot be converted into a crime.


Our mission is to reveal truths which have been hidden and to keep a record of knowledge and wisdom.

NS conducts, manages, and supports curriculum research and development. We represents FTLU through its Office of Ombudsman. We administer intellectual property and copyrights as custodial superintendent for their creator. 

Our mission-oriented service lines are:

  • DISIS (now DHS) for recordkeeping and CORPS operations
  • Mindsoft for cognitive, behavioral, and professional development 
  • OmbudService for administrative operations 
  • Other operations (OPS) include Granary Bank & Trust/Artcoin Mint of Meriptah, New Works Projects Administration, St. Nat’s/OTNS, FTLU, FLF-DAO, and the Syllabus Free Press.  

(Last modified 20 Sep 2023 4 Oct 2023 13 Oct 2023)